I/O List If the I/O port (3n-1) returns 0, card is not there. I/O port (3n-1) returns the card type. Top 4 bits mean the card genre: 0x0: Video 0x1: Audio 0x2: System Bottom 4 bits mean the card type: Video: 0x1: Video Mark I 0x2: Video Mark II Audio: 0x1: Sound Mark I System: 0x1: Math Mark I 0x2: Text Mark I 0x3: Debug 0x4: ROMcard Mark I Video Mark I card maps itself to: +0: VDP address +1: VDP data +2: See above Video Mark II card maps itself to: +0: VDG VRAM address +1: VDG VRAM data +2: See above Sound Mark I card maps itself to: +0: PSG address +1: PSG data +2: See above Math Mark I card maps itself to: +0: AM9511 stack +1: AM9511 command (W) / AM9511 ready (R) +2: See above Text Mark I card maps itself to: +0: Keyboard data +1: Empty +2: See above Debug card maps itself to: +0: Address +1: LED Bit to 7-segment map: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 +2: See above ROMcard Mark I card maps itself to: +0: Address (Holds 24 bit address inside, gets left shifted by each write) +1: Data +2: See above