#!/usr/bin/env tclsh # $Id$ package require tdom foreach path [glob "@@PREFIX@@/lib/koakuma/utility/*.tcl"] { source $path } set name "" set description "" set dothis "" foreach arg $argv { if { [string range "$arg" 0 0] == "-" } { if { "$arg" == "-h" || "$arg" == "--help" } { puts "Usage: $argv0 \[-u username\] \[-p password\] \[-R rpc_url\] name description" puts "You can set the environment variable `KOAKUMA_RPC' to override default RPC URL." puts "Default:" exit 0 } elseif { "$arg" == "-u" } { set dothis "set-username" } elseif { "$arg" == "-p" } { set dothis "set-password" } elseif { "$arg" == "-R" } { set dothis "set-rpc" } } else { if { "$dothis" == "set-username" } { ::rpc::set-username "$arg" } elseif { "$dothis" == "set-password" } { ::rpc::set-password "$arg" } elseif { "$dothis" == "set-rpc" } { set RPC_URL "$arg" } elseif { "$name" == "" } { set name "$arg" } elseif { "$description" == "" } { set description "$arg" } set dothis "" } } if { "$name" == "" || "$description" == "" } { puts "See --help." exit 1 } dom createNodeCmd -tagName "name" -jsonType NONE elementNode keyName dom createNodeCmd -tagName "description" -jsonType NONE elementNode keyDescription dom createNodeCmd -jsonType STRING textNode valueString set doc [dom createDocumentNode] $doc appendFromScript { keyName {valueString "$name"} keyDescription {valueString "$description"} } set result [::rpc::send "/launch-job" "[$doc asJSON]"] if { [lindex $result 0] == 200 } { } else { set doc [dom parse -json "[lindex $result 1]"] puts "Error: [$doc selectNodes "string(/error)"]" }