/*- * This code contains changes by * Gunnar Ritter, Freiburg i. Br., Germany, 2002. All rights reserved. * * Conditions 1, 2, and 4 and the no-warranty notice below apply * to these changes. * * * Copyright (c) 1991 * The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * This product includes software developed by the University of * California, Berkeley and its contributors. * 4. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * * Copyright(C) Caldera International Inc. 2001-2002. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * Redistributions of source code and documentation must retain the * above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * This product includes software developed or owned by Caldera * International, Inc. * Neither the name of Caldera International, Inc. nor the names of * other contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * USE OF THE SOFTWARE PROVIDED FOR UNDER THIS LICENSE BY CALDERA * INTERNATIONAL, INC. AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL CALDERA INTERNATIONAL, INC. BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR * BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE * OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, * EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ %{ #include typedef void *YYSTYPE; #define YYSTYPE YYSTYPE %} %token FIRSTTOKEN /*must be first*/ %token FINAL FATAL %token LT LE GT GE EQ NE %token MATCH NOTMATCH %token APPEND %token ADD MINUS MULT DIVIDE MOD UMINUS %token ASSIGN ADDEQ SUBEQ MULTEQ DIVEQ MODEQ %token JUMP %token XBEGIN XEND %token NL %token PRINT PRINTF SPRINTF SPLIT %token IF ELSE WHILE FOR IN NEXT EXIT BREAK CONTINUE %token PROGRAM PASTAT PASTAT2 %token REGEXPR %right ASGNOP %left BOR %left AND %left NOT %left NUMBER VAR ARRAY FNCN SUBSTR LSUBSTR INDEX %left GETLINE %nonassoc RELOP MATCHOP %left OR %left STRING DOT CCL NCCL CHAR %left '(' '^' '$' %left REGEXPR %left CAT %left '+' '-' %left '*' '/' '%' %left STAR PLUS QUEST %left POSTINCR PREINCR POSTDECR PREDECR INCR DECR %left FIELD INDIRECT %token LASTTOKEN /* has to be last */ %{ /* from 4.4BSD /usr/src/old/awk/awk.g.y 4.4 (Berkeley) 4/27/91 */ /* Sccsid @(#)awk.g.y 1.5 (gritter) 7/24/03> */ #include "awk.def" #ifndef DEBUG # define PUTS(x) #endif %} %% program: begin pa_stats end { if (errorflag==0) winner = (node *)stat3(PROGRAM, $1, $2, $3); } | error { yyclearin; yyerror("bailing out"); } ; begin: XBEGIN '{' stat_list '}' { PUTS("XBEGIN list"); $$ = $3; } | begin NL | { PUTS("empty XBEGIN"); $$ = nullstat; } ; end: XEND '{' stat_list '}' { PUTS("XEND list"); $$ = $3; } | end NL | { PUTS("empty END"); $$ = nullstat; } ; compound_conditional: conditional BOR conditional { PUTS("cond||cond"); $$ = op2(BOR, $1, $3); } | conditional AND conditional { PUTS("cond&&cond"); $$ = op2(AND, $1, $3); } | NOT conditional { PUTS("!cond"); $$ = op1(NOT, $2); } | '(' compound_conditional ')' { $$ = $2; } ; compound_pattern: pattern BOR pattern { PUTS("pat||pat"); $$ = op2(BOR, $1, $3); } | pattern AND pattern { PUTS("pat&&pat"); $$ = op2(AND, $1, $3); } | NOT pattern { PUTS("!pat"); $$ = op1(NOT, $2); } | '(' compound_pattern ')' { $$ = $2; } ; conditional: expr { PUTS("expr"); $$ = op2(NE, $1, valtonode(lookup("$zero&null", symtab, 0), CCON)); } | rel_expr { PUTS("relexpr"); } | lex_expr { PUTS("lexexpr"); } | compound_conditional { PUTS("compcond"); } ; else: ELSE optNL { PUTS("else"); } ; field: FIELD { PUTS("field"); $$ = valtonode($1, CFLD); } | INDIRECT term { PUTS("ind field"); $$ = op1(INDIRECT, $2); } ; if: IF '(' conditional ')' optNL { PUTS("if(cond)"); $$ = $3; } ; lex_expr: expr MATCHOP regular_expr { PUTS("expr~re"); $$ = op2((intptr_t)$2, $1, (void *)makedfa($3)); } | '(' lex_expr ')' { PUTS("(lex_expr)"); $$ = $2; } ; var: NUMBER {PUTS("number"); $$ = valtonode($1, CCON); } | STRING { PUTS("string"); $$ = valtonode($1, CCON); } | VAR { PUTS("var"); $$ = valtonode($1, CVAR); } | VAR '[' expr ']' { PUTS("array[]"); $$ = op2(ARRAY, $1, $3); } | field ; term: var | GETLINE { PUTS("getline"); $$ = op1(GETLINE, 0); } | FNCN { PUTS("func"); $$ = op2(FNCN, $1, valtonode(lookup("$record", symtab, 0), CFLD)); } | FNCN '(' ')' { PUTS("func()"); $$ = op2(FNCN, $1, valtonode(lookup("$record", symtab, 0), CFLD)); } | FNCN '(' expr ')' { PUTS("func(expr)"); $$ = op2(FNCN, $1, $3); } | SPRINTF print_list { PUTS("sprintf"); $$ = op1((intptr_t)$1, $2); } | SUBSTR '(' expr ',' expr ',' expr ')' { PUTS("substr(e,e,e)"); $$ = op3(SUBSTR, $3, $5, $7); } | SUBSTR '(' expr ',' expr ')' { PUTS("substr(e,e,e)"); $$ = op3(SUBSTR, $3, $5, nullstat); } | SPLIT '(' expr ',' VAR ',' expr ')' { PUTS("split(e,e,e)"); $$ = op3(SPLIT, $3, $5, $7); } | SPLIT '(' expr ',' VAR ')' { PUTS("split(e,e,e)"); $$ = op3(SPLIT, $3, $5, nullstat); } | INDEX '(' expr ',' expr ')' { PUTS("index(e,e)"); $$ = op2(INDEX, $3, $5); } | '(' expr ')' {PUTS("(expr)"); $$ = $2; } | term '+' term { PUTS("t+t"); $$ = op2(ADD, $1, $3); } | term '-' term { PUTS("t-t"); $$ = op2(MINUS, $1, $3); } | term '*' term { PUTS("t*t"); $$ = op2(MULT, $1, $3); } | term '/' term { PUTS("t/t"); $$ = op2(DIVIDE, $1, $3); } | term '%' term { PUTS("t%t"); $$ = op2(MOD, $1, $3); } | '-' term %prec QUEST { PUTS("-term"); $$ = op1(UMINUS, $2); } | '+' term %prec QUEST { PUTS("+term"); $$ = $2; } | INCR var { PUTS("++var"); $$ = op1(PREINCR, $2); } | DECR var { PUTS("--var"); $$ = op1(PREDECR, $2); } | var INCR { PUTS("var++"); $$= op1(POSTINCR, $1); } | var DECR { PUTS("var--"); $$= op1(POSTDECR, $1); } ; expr: term { PUTS("term"); } | expr term { PUTS("expr term"); $$ = op2(CAT, $1, $2); } | var ASGNOP expr { PUTS("var=expr"); $$ = stat2((intptr_t)$2, $1, $3); } ; optNL: NL | ; pa_stat: pattern { PUTS("pattern"); $$ = stat2(PASTAT, $1, genprint()); } | pattern '{' stat_list '}' { PUTS("pattern {...}"); $$ = stat2(PASTAT, $1, $3); } | pattern ',' pattern { PUTS("srch,srch"); $$ = pa2stat($1, $3, genprint()); } | pattern ',' pattern '{' stat_list '}' { PUTS("srch, srch {...}"); $$ = pa2stat($1, $3, $5); } | '{' stat_list '}' { PUTS("null pattern {...}"); $$ = stat2(PASTAT, nullstat, $2); } ; pa_stats: pa_stats pa_stat st { PUTS("pa_stats pa_stat"); $$ = linkum($1, $2); } | { PUTS("null pa_stat"); $$ = nullstat; } | pa_stats pa_stat {PUTS("pa_stats pa_stat"); $$ = linkum($1, $2); } ; pattern: regular_expr { PUTS("regex"); $$ = op2(MATCH, valtonode(lookup("$record", symtab, 0), CFLD), (void *)makedfa($1)); } | rel_expr { PUTS("relexpr"); } | lex_expr { PUTS("lexexpr"); } | compound_pattern { PUTS("comp pat"); } ; print_list: expr { PUTS("expr"); } | pe_list { PUTS("pe_list"); } | { PUTS("null print_list"); $$ = valtonode(lookup("$record", symtab, 0), CFLD); } ; pe_list: expr ',' expr {$$ = linkum($1, $3); } | pe_list ',' expr {$$ = linkum($1, $3); } | '(' pe_list ')' {$$ = $2; } ; redir: RELOP | '|' ; regular_expr: '/' { startreg(); } REGEXPR '/' { PUTS("/r/"); $$ = $3; } ; rel_expr: expr RELOP expr { PUTS("expr relop expr"); $$ = op2((intptr_t)$2, $1, $3); } | '(' rel_expr ')' { PUTS("(relexpr)"); $$ = $2; } ; st: NL | ';' ; simple_stat: PRINT print_list redir expr { PUTS("print>stat"); $$ = stat3((intptr_t)$1, $2, $3, $4); } | PRINT print_list { PUTS("print list"); $$ = stat3((intptr_t)$1, $2, nullstat, nullstat); } | PRINTF print_list redir expr { PUTS("printf>stat"); $$ = stat3((intptr_t)$1, $2, $3, $4); } | PRINTF print_list { PUTS("printf list"); $$ = stat3((intptr_t)$1, $2, nullstat, nullstat); } | expr { PUTS("expr"); $$ = exptostat($1); } | { PUTS("null simple statement"); $$ = nullstat; } | error { yyclearin; yyerror("illegal statement"); $$ = nullstat; } ; statement: simple_stat st { PUTS("simple stat"); } | if statement { PUTS("if stat"); $$ = stat3(IF, $1, $2, nullstat); } | if statement else statement { PUTS("if-else stat"); $$ = stat3(IF, $1, $2, $4); } | while statement { PUTS("while stat"); $$ = stat2(WHILE, $1, $2); } | for { PUTS("for stat"); } | NEXT st { PUTS("next"); $$ = stat1(NEXT, 0); } | EXIT st { PUTS("exit"); $$ = stat1(EXIT, 0); } | EXIT expr st { PUTS("exit"); $$ = stat1(EXIT, $2); } | BREAK st { PUTS("break"); $$ = stat1(BREAK, 0); } | CONTINUE st { PUTS("continue"); $$ = stat1(CONTINUE, 0); } | '{' stat_list '}' { PUTS("{statlist}"); $$ = $2; } ; stat_list: stat_list statement { PUTS("stat_list stat"); $$ = linkum($1, $2); } | { PUTS("null stat list"); $$ = nullstat; } ; while: WHILE '(' conditional ')' optNL { PUTS("while(cond)"); $$ = $3; } ; for: FOR '(' simple_stat ';' conditional ';' simple_stat ')' optNL statement { PUTS("for(e;e;e)"); $$ = stat4(FOR, $3, $5, $7, $10); } | FOR '(' simple_stat ';' ';' simple_stat ')' optNL statement { PUTS("for(e;e;e)"); $$ = stat4(FOR, $3, nullstat, $6, $9); } | FOR '(' VAR IN VAR ')' optNL statement { PUTS("for(v in v)"); $$ = stat3(IN, $3, $5, $8); } ; %%