Configuration system of W3C httpd

**	(c) COPYRIGHT MIT 1995.
**	Please first read the full copyright statement in the file COPYRIGH.
**	Ari Luotonen, CERN, 1994, 

#ifndef HTCONFIG_H
#define HTCONFIG_H

#include "HTUtils.h"
#include "HTList.h"
#include "HTAccess.h"
#include "HTWild.h"
#include "HTRules.h"
#include "HTAAProt.h"

#define DEFAULT_INPUT_TIMEOUT	 120	  /*  2 mins */
#define DEFAULT_OUTPUT_TIMEOUT	1200	  /* 20 mins */
#define DEFAULT_SCRIPT_TIMEOUT	 300	  /*  5 mins */
#define DEFAULT_CLEANUP_TIMEOUT   15	  /* 15 secs to write to log file */
#define DEFAULT_CACHE_LM_FACTOR	 0.1	  /* 10% of the time last-modified */
#define DEFAULT_REFRESH_INTERVAL 1200000  /* About 2 weeks */

typedef struct _HTRule {
    struct _HTRule *	next;
    HTRuleOp		op;
    HTPattern *		pat;
    HTPattern *		eqv;
    HTUidGid *		ids;
    char *		prot_file;
    HTAAProt *		prot_setup;
} HTRule;

typedef enum {
} HTServType;

typedef struct _HTServerConfig {
    char *	hostname;		/* Used for CGI scripts		*/
    HTServType	server_type;		/* Standalone or inetd		*/
    int		port;			/* Default port number string	*/
    BOOL	no_bg;			/* Don't auto-go background	*/
    BOOL	standalone;		/* Am I standalone?		*/
    char *	server_root;		/* Server's "home directory"	*/
    int		security_level;		/* 0 = normal, 1 = high		*/
    char *	errormsg_path;		/* URL for error messages	*/
    char *	icon_path;		/* URL for Standard icons	*/
    BOOL	icons_inited;		/* If not we'll use defaults	*/
    int		input_timeout;		/* Timeout for reading request	*/
    int		output_timeout;		/* Timeout for sending response	*/
    int		script_timeout;		/* Timeout for scripts		*/
    char *	pid_file;		/* File to write the pid number	*/
    BOOL	do_accept_hack;		/* Send even if not Accept'ed	*/
    BOOL	disabled[MAX_METHODS+1];/* Disabled methods		*/
    BOOL	do_setuid;		/* Do setuid() to auth'd uid	*/
    int		max_content_len_buf;	/* How much to buffer for c-l	*/
    HTList *	no_log;			/* Hosts for which no logging	*/
    BOOL	new_logfile_format;	/* Use new common logfile format*/
    BOOL	use_gmt;		/* Use GMT instead of localtime	*/
    char *	user_dir;		/* User supported directory name*/
    char *	user_id;		/* Default user id		*/
    char *	group_id;		/* Default group id		*/
    char *	parent_uid;		/* User id for parent process	*/
    char *	parent_gid;		/* Group id for parent process	*/
    BOOL	do_rfc931;		/* Should we check remote ident	*/
    BOOL	do_dns_lookup;		/* Get the DNS name for client	*/
    BOOL	do_linger;		/* Is lingering really necessary*/
    char *	meta_dir;		/* Directory for metafiles	*/
    char *	meta_suffix;		/* Suffix for metafiles		*/
    BOOL	always_welcome;		/* Redirect directory names to	*/
					/* welcome page on that dir.	*/
    char *	access_log_name;	/* Access log file name		*/
    char *	proxy_log_name;		/* Proxy access log file name	*/
    char *	cache_log_name;		/* Cache access log file name	*/
    char *	error_log_name;		/* Error log file name		*/
    char *	log_file_date_ext;	/* Log file Date Extension	*/
    BOOL	reloading;		/* Are we now reloding rules	*/
    HTList *	rule_files;		/* All loaded files by name	*/
} HTServerConfig;

typedef struct _HTResourceConfig {
    HTRule *	rule_head;		/* Rules (first rule)		*/
    HTRule *	rule_tail;		/* Last rule			*/
    HTList *	named_prots;		/* Named protections setups	*/
    char *	search_script;		/* Search script name.		*/
    char *	put_script;		/* Script to handle PUT		*/
    char *	post_script;		/* Script to handle POST	*/
    char *	delete_script;		/* Script to handle DELETE	*/
} HTResourceConfig;

typedef struct _HTPatTime {
    HTPattern *		pat;
    time_t		time;
    struct _HTPatTime *	next;
    struct _HTPatTime *	last;	/* Only set for the first node in list	*/
} HTPatTime;

typedef struct _HTPatFact {
    HTPattern *		pat;
    float		factor;
    struct _HTPatFact *	next;
    struct _HTPatFact *	last;	/* Only set for the first node in list	*/
} HTPatFact;

typedef struct _HTCacheConfig {
    BOOL	caching_explicitly_off;	/* Is caching disabled		*/
    char *	cache_root;		/* Cache directory for gateway	*/
    HTList *	no_caching;		/* No caching if matching these	*/
    HTList *	cache_only;		/* Cache only if matching these	*/
    HTPatTime *	cache_clean;		/* Remove always after this time*/
    time_t	cache_clean_def;	/* (by template and a default).	*/
    HTPatTime *	cache_unused;		/* Remove after unused this long*/
    time_t	cache_unused_def;	/* (by template and a default).	*/
    HTPatTime *	cache_exp;		/* Default expiry when not given*/
    time_t	cache_exp_def;		/* (by template and a default).	*/
    HTPatTime *	cache_refresh_interval;	/* Force cache refresh		*/
    HTPatFact *	cache_lm_factors;	/* For approximating Expires:	*/
    long	cache_max_k;		/* Default size in K (5MB small)*/
    int		cache_max_f;		/* At most this many cache files*/
    int		cache_limit_1;		/* Size no problem until 200K	*/
    int		cache_limit_2;		/* No caching after 4MB		*/
    time_t	cache_time_margin;	/* Time accuracy (in seconds)	*/
    time_t	cache_lock_timeout;	/* Break hanging locks		*/
    BOOL	keep_expired;		/* Use the max cache capasity	*/
    BOOL	do_exp_check;		/* Do expiry check		*/
    BOOL	cache_no_connect;	/* Use only local cache		*/
    BOOL	gc_disabled;		/* Never do garbage collection	*/
    time_t	gc_daily_gc;		/* gc daily at 3:00am		*/
    int		gc_mem_usage_control;	/* How radical mem usage	*/
} HTCacheConfig;

 *	Global variables for server, resource and cache configuration
extern HTServerConfig	sc;		/* Server configuration		*/
extern HTResourceConfig	rc;		/* Resource configuration	*/
extern HTCacheConfig	cc;		/* Cache & proxy configuration	*/

 *	HTDefaultConfig() should be called in as the first thing when
 *	the server starts to initialize the default configuration.
PUBLIC void HTDefaultConfig NOPARAMS;

 *	Add rule to current resource configuration;
 *	this is NOT for Protect and DefProt rules,
 *	ONLY for Map, Pass, Fail, Exec, and Redirect
PUBLIC HTRule * HTAppendRule PARAMS((HTRuleOp		op,
				     CONST char *	pattern,
				     CONST char *	equiv));

 *	HTLoadConfig(filename) opens the configuration file, reads
 *	and parses it, and memorizes the filename so that server
 *	restart can reload the same file.
PUBLIC BOOL HTLoadConfig PARAMS((char * filename));

 *	HTServerInit() does final server configuration initialization;
 *	it initializes standard icons and open log files.
 *	After the first time functions as the server restart function,
 *	i.e. also reloads the configuration files, and re-opens all
 *	the log files.

 *	Translate request through the rule system
PUBLIC BOOL HTTranslateReq PARAMS((HTRequest * req));

 *	Utility functions for cache module
PUBLIC time_t get_default_expiry PARAMS((char * url));
PUBLIC time_t get_unused PARAMS((char * url));
PUBLIC time_t get_clean PARAMS((char * url));
PUBLIC time_t get_refresh_interval PARAMS((char * url));
PUBLIC float get_lm_factor PARAMS((char * url));

#endif /* HTCONFIG_H */

End of declaration module