Wildcard matching module

**	(c) COPYRIGHT MIT 1995.
**	Please first read the full copyright statement in the file COPYRIGH.
 * Author:
 *	Ari Luotonen, CERN, April 1994, 
 * This interface contains the following functions:
 *	HTPattern_new(str)
 *		returns an internal representation (HTPattern *) for
 *		a given a string.  This can be used when later comparing
 *		actual strings against templates.
 *		Asterisk * means any character.
 *		Any character can be escaped by preceding it with a
 *		backslash; at least * and \ must be escaped when they
 *		should be taken literally, but all other escapes are
 *		also understood.
 *	HTPattern_free(pat)
 *		frees the memory taken up by the pattern pat.
 *	HTPattern_match(pat,eqv,act)
 *		matches the actual string act against pattern pat.
 *		If the pattern eqv is non-NULL the result returned
 *		will be a new string where the string is mapped to
 *		pattern eqv.  If eqv is NULL, a copy of the actual
 *		string is returned.
 *		If act doesn't match the pattern NULL is returned.
 *		NOTE: /~ in the beginning must be explicitly matched.
 *	HTPattern_firstWild(pat,act)
 *		takes a pattern and a string matching that pattern,
 *		and returns a pointer inside the string to the first
 *		character matched by the first wildcard in pattern.
 *		IMPORTANT: string really has to match the pattern,
 *		i.e. it must have HTPattern_match()'ed before.
 *	HTPattern_url_match(pat,url)
 *		takes a pattern and a URL-escaped URL, and matches
 *		an unescaped version of URL against the pattern;
 *		returns YES on match, NO on mismatch.
 *	The datatype HTPattern should be treated as an abstract datatype.

#ifndef HTWILD_H
#define HTWILD_H

#include "HTUtils.h"

typedef struct _HTPattern {
    BOOL		wild;	/* If wildcard before this text */
    char *		text;	/* Required text after wildcard */
    struct _HTPattern *	next;	/* Next required text portion */
} HTPattern;

PUBLIC HTPattern * HTPattern_new PARAMS((CONST char * str));
PUBLIC void	   HTPattern_free PARAMS((HTPattern * pat));
PUBLIC char *	   HTPattern_match PARAMS((HTPattern *	pat,
					   HTPattern *	eqv,
					   CONST char *	act));
PUBLIC char *	   HTPattern_firstWild PARAMS((HTPattern * pat,
					       char *	   act));
PUBLIC BOOL HTPattern_url_match PARAMS((HTPattern *	pat,
					CONST char *	url));

#endif /* HTWILD_H */

End of declaration module