This is a small upgrade release of the CERN server (a.k.a. W3C httpd). It includes a set of bug fixes and some improvements. The release comes ASIS - that is - there is _no_ support available. Take it or leave it :-) The release does only include source code, you must compile the binary yourself. THIS PACKAGE INCLUDES: * source code under the WWW directory [where this README file is] To compile just type make and binaries will appear in Daemon/xxx where xxx is your host's architecture, like sun4 or next. * README-SOCKS explaining how to compile and use SOCKSified httpd * server_root/ directory containing: * Sample configuration files for httpd in config/ - httpd.conf for normal use as HTTP server - prot.conf for normal use as HTTP server with access control - proxy.conf for proxy use without caching - caching.conf for proxy use with caching - all.conf that contains all the configuration directives understood by httpd * Sample icons in icons/ - to be used for directory listings, and also for ftp listings when using httpd as a proxy - simplist way to make use of the icons is to define the server root directory to be server_root under this current directory [where this README file sits], by specifying in the configuration file: ServerRoot /what/ever/server_root ONLINE DOCUMENTATION for this software is in: Security bugs can be sent to Remember to run httpd in VERBOSE MODE [with the -v or -vv command line option] when things seem to be going wrong and attach the output to your mail message. This will make our job a lot easier. If httpd crashes and a core image is generated, run "dbx /path/httpd" and say "where" to see where the execution was when the program crashed. Have fun!